20 Things to Do Instead of Scrolling

11. Journal

I journal every morning – even just a page – to take note of how I’m feeling and write down my gratitude, affirmations, and manifestations for the day. I haven’t gotten around to it yet, but I’d also really like to start to work my way through these questions: https://www.shihoriobata.com/blog/questions-to-ask-yourself/

12. Vision Board

My vision board is always being updated with new things I want to manifest, accomplish, or work towards. If you don’t have a vision board, make one! It doesn’t even have to be a manifestation list. It could be for an event, updating your wardrobe, or something totally random. Have fun with it!

13. Be Present

Did you know it’s possible to sit and watch TV, talk with your family/friend/roommate/partner, etc., without being on your phone? Crazy, I know. This is when I find myself itching to pick up my phone the most – very restless of me, I know. And while sometimes it’ll make more sense for me to pick up a pencil, other times I’d like to really practice just being STILL and focusing my attention.

14. Lettering

This is another “creative” outlet that’s probably a bit personal, but I’ve always been interested in calligraphy and lettering. A few years ago, my sister-in-law got me a lettering book that I loved, but I kind of put it on the back burner once I finished it. And I was actually really good at it! Getting back into lettering is one of my #1 goals for the next few months – expect things for your birthday.

15. Take a Bubble Bath

a romantic setting in the bathroom

Or, really, any self-care activity.

16. Dance

It is SO good to move your body! I’ve been doing a little ‘dance break’ at my lunch each day, and it’s just a fun way to break up the day and wake up my body. Find a good playlist on Spotify, or make your own! One of my favorites is Ballet Class (Classic Hits) – I didn’t even do ballet for very long, and it was years ago, but I love this one. It makes me feel graceful and elegant and strong.

17. Clean / Declutter

Personally, I enjoy cleaning. Knowing that my home is clean makes me feel good and more relaxed. So, wipe down the counters or run the vacuum. Is your closet overflowing with clothes you don’t wear? Start to go through them. Even just 10 minutes a day makes a big difference.

18. Take an Online Course

Is there something you’ve always wanted to learn? It’s never too late! There are so many free courses, or at least discounted ones, that are beneficial for a variety of people. So far, I’ve taken a tech skills, design skills, social media, grant writing, and manifestation course… and there are still so many more I’d love to do! I am a constant learner – there is so much out there to know, and I’m excited to learn more every day.

19. Language Lesson

I’ve been using Drops to practice Italian, but you can also use Duolingo or whatever app you like best. Learning a language is one of the best things you can do for your brain.

20. Business Step

For those of you who don’t know, I’m trying to start my own business one of these days. I have so many ideas on what to do, but I struggle with executing them. It feels overwhelming. But it would seem much more attainable if I tackled just one of those little tasks or did 10 minutes of work each day.

So, that’s my list! There are dozens of more ways for you to occupy your time than those listed above, but here is a little starting point for anyone who needs it.

What’s your favorite way to beat the scrolling? Tell me in the comments!